Why I Love Heart Math

As a Heart Math professional, I use the Heart Math tools and models to measure and educate people about their nervous system. With confidence, I can rely on their 30 years of reach on the power of the heart, emotions and the effect it has on your health and overall performance

Did you know coherence is the optimal state of the nervous system, that is what the athletes call being in the zone. It’s not relaxation, it’s when we are at ease, yet alert and focused at the same time. We dare, we take that chance, yet feel the trust and comfortable at the same time. Research supports that when in coherence our inner systems are aligned - our HRV, cardiovascular & respiratory systems.

When we can measure LIVE and see in an instant what powerful thoughts can do to our nervous system, and see how stress affects it, it becomes REAL. I become more motivated to establish that powerful habit.

Heart Math are very generous with their free educational material, here are two of my favourite resources for you to enjoy:

  1. The Heart Math Experience

  2. Transforming Stress


Don't miss my recent feature on the Hälsohormoner podcast.


Dr Didar Reimer Podcast Episode