Navigating How To Listen To The Body And NOT Follow It Holistic Life Navigation

This man is just BRILLIANT! 

He got my attention as one of our guest presenters during my Biology of Trauma certification - I checked out this podcast - please do it is a treasure of gems for the curious in the somatic, nutrition all trauma-related world.

This is an excellent example of what he is all about - making thing digestible and is very humble with his own story and stuggles that led him to where he is to day. When do we follow the body and when dont we… let mee know what you think.

[Ep. 134] Navigating How To Listen To The Body And NOT Follow It
Holistic Life Navigation

Luis is often asked, "How can I believe my body?" In this episode, he shares with us the difference between following the body and relating to the body. Luis guides us through a practice where we tease apart three critical yet distinct parts of ourselves: the mind, the body, and the witnesser. Very few of us are taught to experience these separately. However, when we can tap into all three parts separately, the conscious self becomes the parent of the mind and body. Which allows us to relate to the sensations, rather than reflectively acquiescing to trauma responses, by pausing to explore the meaning or root of the sensation. For more information about Luis's work, please visit: To sign up for the fawning email series, please visit: 

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