Nourishing The Heart with The Color Green! 

My 21-day online program is based upon Dr Deanna Minich’s whole detox book & as a certified Food & Spirit practitioner (2013)  I am allowed to use the book as a foundation of the program. Together with my colleague Christina Colligan we take you on a life-transforming, 21-day colour-coded health journey into the power of foods and personal growth. 

In order for you to get a test of the program I host a lecture in one of the colors to give you a taste and a hint of what the program is all about, and this month I choose the color green and the heart system. I thought was a perfect fit as I am going through  grieving work that needs some extra attention and support  (grief is the emotion of the lungs and also belongs to the heart system) and have found a new best friend in my daily lymph routine (lymph also being in the Green system …) 

And then I saw that the mentor herself made the same choice - to write a blog about nourishing the heart with the color green I let her do the talking.  Or rather writing. But just making sure you don’t miss it .. enjoy!

March 20th at 1 pm CET is our next lecture on the love system. 

The Zoom link can be found here.


28 Days of Living a Colourful Life


If I only knew then what I know now…a message for parents to be