If I only knew then what I know now…a message for parents to be

This is a 6 min film/ module from Storka - an online educational platform for parents to be or being parents on a fertility journey.

In this interview, Ingrid and I teach a series of modules on the importance of stress & the nervous system, this was one of my favourites.

Why is this course essential for parents to be?  Our nervous system, the dorsal branch, starts developing around 9 weeks in utero, further developing by 13 weeks, and at 28 weeks (in utero) is considered essentially mature. 

The human infant is not born with a completely functioning myelinated vagal system. The ventral vagus is only partially myelinated at birth and continues to develop during the first few months postpartum. The newborn baby can not self-regulate and is fully dependent on the caregiver’s nervous system and well-being. Your nervous system teaches your infant’s nervous system how to self-regulate… fun important information in an informative and light-hearted setting! 

Ingrid - the cofounder at Storka first came to see me for her health years ago,  I believe we together opened her up to look beyond her analytical mind for health and self-healing into trust, intuition and embodiment.

So amazing to see what Ingrid and her husband Adrian have created with Storka!

Please check them out here.


Nourishing The Heart with The Color Green! 


Understand your body, and get to know your biochemistry! The link between inflammation, DNA & Trauma