Under the Wings of a Shaman
I stayed tuned for about five long minutes, I then decided this was not my thing, the feeling, language and people were too much ”unicorn and rainbows” for my understanding at the time. What could I possibly get out of opening up to the philosophy of shamanism?
My soul sister and colleague Michele had sent me a group shamanic presentation from the four winds. I love and trust Michele dearly but she has always been a step ahead of me when it comes to inner soul search and personal growth. She shared her experiences from her shamanic practices, ceremonies and community in Seattle it all sounded interestingly amazing, but without her presence, I felt lost. What you resist persists right? A couple of years later a teacher and mentor, told me during a lecture - You ought to look into shamanism - you have it in you! This was actually the fifth mentor / teacher telling me this - I finally gave in.. they can’t all be crazy and wrong?
With a little attitude, huge curiosity and some fear I googled ”shamanism and athletes”, just to be on the safe side :).. … I came across the book ”Fit body, fit soul” by Mark Allen, 6 time Iron Man winner in Hawaii and Shaman Brant Secunda. I was surprised and blown away by how many similarities there are between being an athlete and the way shamans live and teach.
The discipline, the tough love the honesty and truth all felt like home to me not to mention the biggest part of the language .. the language, helloing power and the rhythm of nature. I read the book and 6 months later I was on a flight to Garmisch Partenkrichen for a retreat with Brandt Second. I was not surprised at all by then how much shamanism moved me - it got my attention - I felt connected, calm and more grounded than I had ever felt before - I remember saying when I got back home - We would all benefit from trusting and believing in something bigger than our selves.
For me, something bigger means nature, the spirit of nature, nature as the container of my inner soul work, the similarities, the symbolism and the rhythm of nature that I believe we all have within. I feel small in nature, small and safe. It’s like nature’s powers are looking after me and I may finally relax and simply just be me! Three years later - shamanism had been a part of my life, like a breath of fresh air from time to time - I was still mesmerised by nature, felt oh so connected in the mountains and regularly practised my shamanic meditations.
My next sign and hint to dive deeper into shamanism and its practices were when I read ”The power of enlightenment ” by the functional medicine MD David Perlmutter and shaman Alberto Villoldo PhD. Being a functional medicine practitioner I saw the connection - such a missing piece in my own life and my clients.
When I got the seventh teacher's comment about me having a strong shaman within I took the leap of faith and went all out to Alberto’s shamanic retreat a full-time education program in Chile in November 2019. Not only did I decide to bring my own tent for the whole month in the Chilean mountains I had the privilege to experience my first earthquakes. But this is how I do things - all or nothing. This monthly long experience did shake things up on many levels. This journey was a Hogwarts experience from start to finish, in my eyes. So out of my comfort zone, to learn trust, to let things unfold when they are supposed to, let nature play out its wisdom and use the symbolism to turn wounds into wisdom. Yet I have never felt more at home… My motto was: taken from professor Dumbledore himself - Do what is right, not what is fun, fast and easy.
I met the most amazing people from all over there world. Reminding me that we are all fighting a battle quite similar to each other. One of my most well-remembered moments was during one of the fire ceremonies - looking up towards the full moon - asking the sky to help me bring this teaching back home - in my own language. How may I practice this at home, what ”language” can I use to communicate this magic to my loved friend’s families and clients at home… as ponchos, crystal and burned sage might not be welcomed with open arms in my part of town.
Patiently I am slowly integrating and unfolding this work in my own way in work and teachings. I just thought it was so interesting that in Chile we did not have any textbooks - the wisdom was shared and passed down through storytelling - the ancient way of teaching. In my own personal journey and in many of my clients there is something missing beyond a healthy diet and lifestyle. Something that will make one’s heart sing and make you go beyond your own beliefs and find that courage you knew you had but never dared to use.
During my month in Chile, my bodily inflammation went down significantly, due to what specifically I don’t know, was it the teachings, meditations, food, camping or just that I followed myself more than ever? My self-trust has grown and I am stepping into owning my gifts. I am more courageously authentic and daily choose courage over comfort.
Please note that there is no ”school degree” for the list above… it is only through life experience these lessons can be taught! Yet how essential they are for our soul to bloom and flourish.
I hope these lines will inspire you to breathe out self-doubt or fear and step into the courage of your soul and start with the first step to become the true version of YOU! If that is going gluten-free - great - if it is to climb a mountain this year - awesome - either way, start feeding your soul more and your ego!