September 8th - November 29th 2025
The 3-Month Mentorship Program: A Conversation with Your Nervous System
The nervous system thrives when given the opportunity to operate at a slower pace.
Therefore it’s important to give your body the necessary time, understanding, resources, and environment for self-regulation to occur. This mentorship aims to initiate this journey.
Who Is This For?
You need consistent support to make changes
You feel disconnected from your body & stuck in your head
You feel unrooted and are stuck in “analysis paralysis”
You would benefit from a small group of like-minded souls as you embark on your healing journey
You have been to therapy and have a good understanding of yourself, but still feel stuck in your body
You are curious about why you can’t just fix your imbalance like you used to
You’re eager to understand how your story has affected your nervous system, befriend it and stop fighting it.
You could be experiencing some of these symptoms: Unbalanced sleep, gut issues, lack of energy, anxiety, depression, mood swings, feeling overwhelmed, feeling stuck in life or you are following all the rules, but nothing seems to help.
Rewiring and regulating the nervous system takes time, it’s not a quick fix. The nervous system likes structure and order, it does not do things in a dramatic way which is why I created this program.
Why I created this mentorship:
Rest and recovery can be scary, that's why we have this program to support, learn and regulate together. One breath one heartbeat at a time. Learning how to regulate your nervous system will be a bumpy ride. Trust me. Doing this together in a small private group is extremely powerful, as we take in this learning and wisdom from each other our heads listen in one way and so do our bodies. Something magical happens in a group setting, and the coherence of the group, creates something magical that one single teacher can never provide.
What you’ll gain from this mentorship:
You will learn tools for life to regulate yourself back to calm in the heat of the moment, as you then make smarter decisions, calmer moves and have a more mindful presence (affecting everyone around you). You will understand why your body might be saying NO through physical symptoms and how to support your body biochemically back to energy, calm and peace.
What We Address:
Month 1 - The Overwhelm & your survival for safety. The anatomy of the ANS, the fight-flight freeze. The biology of the freeze response and how does it shows up as symptoms/disease in our bodies.
Month 2 - Stored emotions & early strategies/programming. How do stored emotions show up in our bodies & affect our thoughts & perspectives on life? What are our favourite strategies to cope and survive in life? Overworking, perfectionist, the good girl?
Month 3 Stress as a gift, embracing your recovery protocol. Is adrenaline running your life? How can we metabolize adrenalin so it does not build up & ruin our lives & bodies? What can we do in our everyday lives to set the stage for a calm, balanced life and yet be alert when we need to?
By viewing your experiences through the lens of the nervous system, you'll understand why symptoms are sacred expressions of deeper, stored needs requiring your true attention.
Investment & Inclusions:
We work consistently for 12 weeks, together, as we review our nervous system through theory and practical exercises. We customize to your individual's needs during our monthly private session as all individuals need to be met where they are.
One 60-minute private session with Louise each month to personalize your journey.
Access to the program & course material on Mighty Networks
One 75 min lecture/week Tuesday's 16:30-17:45
One 45 min somatic check-in a week Friday lunch. 12:00-13:00
Daily support via Might Networks for you 3 months.
Investment: 3495 kr / month for 3 months.
(4995kr / month with 2 private sessions per month)
Please note: before investing in this, you need to have worked with me in at least 3 private 1:1 sessions.